Jan 248 min read
National Archives Leftovers
Photo by T.C. Andersen I have now written 150 blogs in the 3+ years of Constancely Hoping and over 25 percent of them have had to do with...
I'm John Constance of Raleigh, North Carolina. In 2021 I became frustrated with the negative tone and content of social media and decided that the world needed a more positive alternative. I have been blessed with a wonderful life and an interesting career in Washington, DC. I decided that the people, places, and things that I had experienced could be used to brighten your day. So I started this blog.
I must first admit a bit of personal prejudice. I have always been a big George Stephanopoulos fan. From his early entry to the public consciousness during the Clinton Administration through his work as a Washington journalist, to me he has always projected the best instincts of public service.
This book reflects the skill of a storyteller, the curiosity of a researcher, and the memory of an eyewitness to history. The Situation Room illuminates this special corner of White House real estate through a fascinating timeline of modern American history. Stephanopoulos puts you inside the room in the lead up to global conflict, the aftermath of presidential assassinations, and the lead up to such iconic moments as Seal Team 6 versus Bin laden. He introduces you to the President's who loved this special room, and those who rarely darkened its door. Finally, he overlays the march of technology to the room and gives you an appreciation for the incredible window that modern Presidents and their advisors have on the communications and movements of our adversaries.
I promise that this will be a memorable read and you will find yourself sharing both the tales and the text with others.